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Mr. Zee – The Toothache of Pakistan

ZardariPresidentLast night, I was suffering from severe toothache, and the most horrible part of suffering was I could not do anything except bearing the aching with all patience I have. In the condition of just bearing and still having patience, I realized, this is what just about every Pakistani doing from preceding 5 years. From last 5 years, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is being governed, better to say democratically governed, by some impossible sort of politicians who do know nothing except corruption on the title of politics. Pakistanis are as helpless as a patient of toothache is; cannot do anything except bearing what one is suffering from. As toothache distresses veins, eyes and some cases even brain, they have ruined the Pakistan’s economy, establishment, industry and every possible asset we can think of.

I do except the fact, that we bring these corrupts into the senate and assemblies. It is aftermath, or better to say aftershock, of our own wrong selection. This government is our own blunder that everyone dearly wishes could not made ever again in Pakistan. The point to ponder here is do we fulfill our all responsibilities towards our country just casting vote to the right candidate?

As we all know, prevention from toothache take little more than brushing the teeth twice a day. In same fashion, choosing the right government is take little more than casting votes. That little is little awareness and education about what the power of vote actually is.

Would not Pakistan be even beautiful, peaceful, pain free place to live if every one of us just have faith in Almighty Allah for food (as He promised to feed to everyone on this globe and beyond), and start struggling to be educated peaceful Pakistani ? Let us take a pledge to make some quality decisions at the time of casting vote by educating ourselves about responsibilities of a voter, so no other shameless smiling face will ever be able to rule and ruin our beloved homeland.

(Please let me know the in what ways, in your opinion, we can make better decision while casting vote)

For the Real Heroes

When we hear the term ‘hero’, just about all of us think of someone or something supernatural or out of this world. We all infer Hero as someone who has everything best in life. I also used to define and assume hero in the same fashion.  However, as I grow up I realize this not the way heroes are. Being a hero is more matter of attitude than a personality or charisma. Being Hero is decision to make everything best in life not just partaking best everything in the life.


Anyone who fights for the betterment and furtherance is a hero. Moderately one fights for the society, for family, for love or even for just for the self. The one who conquer is hero in the quest against fate, against powerlessness and low morals for the pursuit for real happiness and innermost satisfaction. Every one of us is a hero, a hero as long as we do not quit fighting for what we want, what we believe and mainly what we deserve. Heroism, in genuine, is not just winning; it is not giving up. Real heroes do not quit, they find the courage to get what they believe in. and, they find courage to within their own selves.

Real heroes are those who decide to write their own stories in their own way. Moreover, real heroes are the one who decide not be victim of their fates.


Society is not ALL about Woman’s Rights

I was thinking to write on some issue that no one has written before.  I went through many newspapers, magazines, blog, social network discussions, online forums and many other open discussion websites and forums. Apart from many good, genuine, reasonable and true and many over expressed and overrate views and discussion about woman rights; I found discussions and forums for the environment rights, earth’s rights, rights of plants and forests. Even there are many active forums about the rights of all existing and extinct animals. But there was something that I could not find anywhere.

The thing I didn’t find anywhere was the “Man’s Rights”. At first I wonder that Man’s rights do not exist at all or no one ever has thought about it. Well, logically speaking, if man exists in the world with duties they have to do then there must be some rights they must have.

I do agree the society is incomplete and imbalance if the society does not take care of the rights of a mother, sister, daughter and wife; in simple words a woman. But, on the other hand, the world would be equally partial and one-sided without the respect of rights of a father, brother, son and husband; in other words the man. Man and woman are not rivals in the society; they both are part of society and society depends on both equally.

In my knowledge, all the essence of how much religion I have read and social values I have observed and understand man and woman are equal parts of the society with different responsibilities. The society is incomplete and imbalance without either of them. Both have equal and different duties; both have equal but different rights. The burden of duties is equal on both of them it means that both can enjoy same comfort of rights. As far as my logic is concern, one can enjoy his or her rights most when one fulfills all the duties responsibly.

I agree that it is a man’s responsibility to take care of woman; to take care of her food and clothing, to take care of her shelter and comfort. If it is his responsibility to take care of his home and family then it must be his right to be taken care in home. Logically speaking it is his right to be welcomed at home after a tiring day with sweet smile and nice cup of tea rather than with saas-bahu fuss and complaints about what the kids did whole day.

A man has equal right to be taken care, to be loved and to be happy as a woman. I know I accept and I admit there are parts of society where woman treated so brutally but there is no doubt in that there are parts of society as well where woman are sole reason of imbalance in the society. A good society is not about what I can do and other can’t; it is all about what we can do to make it better place to live in. Braveness is not only standing up and fighting for the rights it is fulfilling the duties with sincerity.

I’m not writing this because I regret being a woman or I consider woman inferior then man. I’m writing this because I am educated, literate, sensible and strong enough to know I would never get my rights at fullest without fulfilling my all duties.

Happy World Book Day

Dear All,

Wajeeha A Siddiqui wishes you all a very Happy World Book Day.

Books have treasure hidden in, the best way is shortest ways to be rich is to read books. Book reading is a nice hobby, an informative pass-time and full of knowledge leisure pursuit. But it saddens me when I see people are lacking in reading habit by every day, students specially. I know many students who even do not read their course books. I’ve heard many saying that book reading is a complete throw away of money and time.

May be for many it could waste of money and time. But for me, books are actually world flourishing on papers, thoughts written in words, feelings fashioned in phrases and times composed in sentences. There is no better time machine than books. There is no time that you can’t travel through books. There is no great person in history you can’t meet by means of books.

Books are, in many ways, just more than a bundle of papers bind with a cover in the bookcase.

If there’s a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.  ~Toni Morrison

Happy Reading 🙂

Think about it…!!!

All the crimes and bad things happening around are not only because of wrong doings of bad one but more because of the silence of the good ones.

Speak Up for Pakistan.

Rise Pakistan.

Lessons life made me learn…!!!

This life made me discover that every new sun rises with hope and every day when suns sets it leaves new experiences.

Books are the most uncomplaining teachers but the whole thing is not supposed to be written in books. Many real things we are taught by people we deal with.

We become stronger only when we are betrayed. So, be humble to those who let us be strong.

It does not matter being soft at heart but being hard-hitting on outer side does.

Live for those who care for us not for those we care for. Be happy for those who want us to be happy unconditionally.

If I want to be happy for those who wants me to be than I have to be, as happiness is not a place and no one is going to invite for there.

Be honest with own self, because, if we lie we would be disloyal to our own self, not anybody else.

If you’re troubled do not show it on your face as HAKUNA-MATATA (no worries) ATTITUDE is best thing to blow others’ mind, especially of those who want you to not be flourishing.

Share the problems only with those who really cared.

Change it; if it is not satisfying the logic.

Admit it; if it can not be changed. And admit with an open heart and an open mind and do it happily as this is the only thing to do.

It easy to act as if being an open minded and difficult to be an open minded, do not lose the courage as it is not impossible.

Respect yourself, your family and your friends.

Do accept people in the way they are, it is most excellent way to get best out of them.

Admire your friends and be honest with them, as it is one of Almighty ways to take care of us.

When my friend needs me, I just love to be ‘ME’, do not pretend to be some super hero because he loves me just in way I am.

If want to be a friend, at very first be a very good listener.

If do not have enough patience to listen EVERYTHING, do not claim to be a friend.

Everyday, look good and feel fine because we do not know when we are left only with our self to hug and cry.

We can have a check on what to see but can not make a check list of what to feel as closing eyes is possible but closing heart is not.

Do not regret anything, everything is a lesson it happens to make me a better person.

P.S. In my little knowledge this piece of writing is best in all my work and this is dedicated to my ‘Best Friend’. 🙂

Keepsmiling (1)

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again… :) – George Carlin

This is a master piece. If you have not read it take the time to read it now. If you have read it take time to read it again! GEORGE CARLIN (His wife recently died….)

Isn’t it amazing that George Carlin – comedian of the 70’s and 80’s – could write something so very eloquent…and so very appropriate.

A Message by George Carlin:

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life.

We’ve added years to life not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things.

We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.

A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete…

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent.

Remember, to say, ‘I love you’ to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it.

An embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

If you don’t send this to other people….Who cares?

-George Carlin

P. S.  In my all readings, this piece is my first love… 🙂

It’s three, just THREE words

Going all the way through life and times of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, I observed that Jinnah was a very simple man. He followed straightforward principles in every walk of life. Unity, faith and discipline are the three words which made Jinnah Quaid –e- Azam. It is blueprint of success which he shared with his nation himself. Unity, Faith and Discipline is the shortest possible distance between dream and its reality.

These three words – three magical words – have success hidden in it. If we follow this we do not have to beg for any aid. We do not have to go to anyone to make Pakistan better. We all want betterment of Pakistan then why we not work for it with unity. Why we keep on combating as Sindhi, Punjabi, Baloch, Pathan and Muhajir. We all are hard workers then why we not have faith on each other. Why we just keep on blaming our fellows for any hard luck. We know what we have to do then why we not do that we discipline. Why we just keep on breaking rules and laws.

It is fruitless to blame government for everything wrong. It is our country and we have to make it better than the rest then better than the best. To craft a change we have to follow the way which Quaid showed us. We have to follow his principles to compose and rebuild Pakistan. It is three, just THREE word – Unity, Faith and Discipline.

Rise Jinnah.


With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.

– Muhammad Ali Jinnah.


Who is guilty for cartoon issue: Denmark or we?

I strongly condemn the anti-Islamic act of Norway and Denmark. They do not have any right to do such act. But according to the freedom of expression they can write, sketch or publish anything that they want to do. But one thing is really disturbing me, who is really guilty for all that: Denmark and Norway, who had misused their rights of expression or we, who had built a mistaken image of our religion on their minds?

People understand what the see in real practice not what they told in speeches, literature and books. In real practice, we proudly say ourselves citizens of ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, but where is Islam in this republic??? Loud music, western dresses, corruption, dishonesty, no respect for elders, no affection for younger… that’s all isn’t Islamic teachings. If we don’t have any respect for our teaching and our religion so why we expect that others will do so.

These days, the commercials and dramas and shows we see on TV, none of them airing anything Islamic from story to dialogues, from dresses to festivals and from traditions to moral values. We are keeping on copying whatever shown on the other side of border. We released, I must say proudly release their movies which shows Muslims as extremists, corrupted, terrorists, drug dealers, smugglers, suicide bombers but nobody protest against that. We do proud hanging posters in which girls wearing western clothes, mini skirts, short dresses but no one protest in front of concerned authorities to remove those things. Why don’t our leaders and ullamas and moulivis condemn that? That’s something more serious than cartoon issue. Those cartoons were made and published by non Muslim in a non Islamic country. But these all activities that I mentioned above are going on in an Islamic country.

If we want other to respect our religion and our values so I think first we must respect our religion and values. Its we who give them opportunity to do such things. It was portrait of Islam made by us which Denmark and Norway published. If we want the whole world to respect Islamic values I think we should with our homeland first. We must have to stop each and every non Islamic activity in our country. Otherwise we don’t have any right to show the finger on others.

“A good name is like a good will, is got by many actions and lost by one” (Lord Jeffery)

Seasonal Enthusiasm

Ramadan is over, eid holidays are finished and the religious attitude that we all observed during holy month of Ramadan is also vanished. During the whole month of Ramadan we lived a peaceful life… No earsplitting music in markets and streets, no vulgar dressing, no smoking, no drinking and most important no one was escaping from prayers. For a whole month we observed a pure Islamic environment.

According to new standpoints, It isn’t be wrong saying that we are Muslims only in month of Ramadan as we are Pakistani during the month of August when whole 14 days – august 1 to august 14 – we exhibit love and affection towards our dear home land and make countless promises in front of cameras. Why don’t we keep this attitude towards religion and country throughout the year? Are feeling comes with the season only? Are we not Pakistani Muslims in days except Ramadan, august 14, eid –ul- fitr,    March 23, eid –ul- azha, September 06, muheram 09 & 10, December 25, rabbi –ul- awwal 12…??? What about rest of the year? Will we not be asked by Almighty about other days? We recite Holy Quran on regular basis during Ramadan, but in other days we close it, wrap it in its cover and put it on the upper shelve and its supposed to be open and recite in next Ramadan. Similarly, we decorate our streets and homes with paper flags on august 14, but what happen next morning all the paper flags are on the floor and crushing under our own shoes and none of bother to put it on a side. This is respect we have for our flag. If someone picks that up from the street and put it on side so other one stop him by saying ” it’s only a piece of paper… Sweeper will clean it and put it in trash.”  This is not a piece of paper only, this is our flag our international identity. What about all that countless promises that were made on the Independence Day. We have to be Pakistani Muslims throughout our lives, not seasonally.

This seasonal enthusiasm is observed not only in religious and national matters but also in daily life style. In the start of semester we strong-willed to study every day but after a week or two we slot in ourselves in every other thing except studies. Parties and gathering seems more important than studies. Digital gadgets and mp4 players become more important than books. Computer is being started use for gaming and watching movies not for the study purposes. Internet is for searching and downloading best online game, best songs collection and top rated movies. And a common sentence that comes across ears is that ” much time is in exams… I’ll start studying very soon but right now I’ve to grace my friend’s party with my presence.” And when exams come near we start studying for whole 24hrs. At that time incapable to understand what we had studied. We’re unable to keep every topic in mind. At that time we start praying that ” Almighty please! Have some mercy on me… tomorrow’s paper will be easy… please pass me this time… next time I’ll study all through the semester with proper time table.” We all know that we have to be appear in exams at the end of semester so why we don’t study in whole semester. Only at the time of exams we get enthusiastic for study but this seasonal studying enthusiasm just clear you in exams and after exams you forget everything you learnt on the semester. Clearing in exams isn’t the only aim for studying. We study to learn something and if we don’t study on regular bases we won’t learn anything.

The situation is same when people, girls especially decide to reduce weight. Very enthusiastically a diet chart is prepared. No oil, no ghee, no chocolates, no sweets, no cakes and pastries. Only diet drinks, fresh fruits, green veggies, salads, green tea and wheat fiber biscuits. This chart is supposed to be followed. During 1 st week of this decision in any party, “sorry I can’t eat that curry… it’s so oily… I am dieting these days.” But that enthusiasm start decreasing, food and parties become more important then the idea of losing few ponds and we satisfied our soul with the statements like “there are many days in that occasion… I’ll reduce some weight after days” and “I don’t care if I have few extra ponds… I’m unable to stop myself from eating delicious food” and many other of same sort. Matter is not that we can’t do so; the thing is that we don’t have determination to do anything or to perform any task with persistence.

Another situation where seasonal enthusiasm can be seen very easily, is the time when somebody decide “I won’t lie anymore” or “I don’t gossip about others.” In beginning, we think then we talk. But after few days we talked then we realized that we lie or we did gossip about somebody. The main reason is that evil attracts so easily and we don’t have as much resistance to face that evil. We make aims, we take decisions but its WE who is first to go against our own decision and aims.

We have set our minds to perform any task in its season only. Again I repeat we don’t have determinations to achieve our aims. We don’t have persistence to follow our decisions and resist against evil wishes which force us to give up. We have to respect our own religion, country, decisions, feelings and aims.

I know everyone is not alike; there are many people who have persistence. But this is democracy… here only majority is counted!!!